Contact Us

622 Sackville Drive
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4C 2S3

Phone: (902) 864-8520
Fax: (902) 864-1299

Monday 10-5
Tuesday 12-8
Wednesday 12-8
Thursday 12-8
Friday 10-5
Saturday 10-5
Sunday Closed

Special hours may apply during the holidays please contact the store for details.

Call to make an appointment (902) 864-8520

337 Welton Street
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 5S6

Monday 10-5
Tuesday 12-8
Wednesday 12-8
Thursday 12-8
Friday 10-5
Saturday 10-5
Sunday Closed

Special hours may apply during the holidays please contact the store for details.Special hours may apply during the holidays please contact the store for details.

Call to make an appointment (902) 562-8520